workbench drawer plans

Maybe I should explain that I am fantastic at creating the most elaborate devices for joinery, especially in areas where it doesnt matter. Often time I plan huge, and then back of little by little until I have a more simple answer. As my day job I work in an operating room, and when I started there I learned two little phrases that have served me well. The first one I learned was an anagram called K.I.S.S. for Keep It Simple Stupid, I really do love and admire simple solutions, they carry a quiet elegance and because I tend to me a "make it more complicated than it has to be" kinda guy, thinking of this anagram from time to time does really help me. The other phrase is one of my all time favorites, and the first time you hear it, it doesnt sound right, but as you think about it you realize how profound it is. It goes "The enemy of Good, is Better" meaning if something looks right and works right, it is right. you can over think and overwork something that works into and elaborate thing that doesnt work at all. Im sure if your are reading this and are a woodworker yourself you can relate to the experience. Im pretty sure its a universal trap, wanting to make something better, and screwing up what was already pretty good.
Sliding dovetails would have been cool, and I could have bragged about them here. but honestly for the ability to knock down the bench to move it, not so great. The sexy "X" legs outside on potentially uneven ground. I think Ill do better with a standard 4 leg bench with a low stretcher that I can stake to the ground if I need to. An elaborate front twin screw bench vise, or a simple wide front apron to do vertical clamping with holdfasts and a smaller bench screw vice for edge planing. I just kept repeating the mantra today of simple answers are better.

It feels good to finally have a plan in place and the simplicity of the drawing on the upper right works well for me. I really like the little round I drew into the bottom of the side stretcher.
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